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G&M Gold Ewe Nuts - 25kg bag


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Key Benefits

Producing lambs with:

  • Exceptional health and immunity status
  • Higher birth weights
  • Excellent growth rates
  • Strength and vigor

Energy: High energy level to meet the requirements in late pregnancy and early lactation, for strong, healthy fast growing lambs. Ewes milk is 5.4% protein and 6.2% fat (50% higher than cow's milk, and needs 50% more energy to produce).

Balanced energy sources: High in digestible fibre with balanced starch inclusion, for improved milk fat and milk production, and the avoidance of twin lamb disease.

High Protein: 18% protein with high levels of undegradable protein (DUP), produces lambs that can be 1kg heavier at birth as well as enabling the ewe to produce more milk.

Addarome: Helps to overcome the depression in intakes during the 6-8 weeks prior to lambing. 

ExtraGuard: High levels of Vitamin E, Cellguard and organic selenium for excellent flock health and immunity.


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