Ewemaster 19 Rolls - 25kg bag


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High quality feed designed to meet the requirements of extensive systems and flocks with good lambing percentages.

Producing lambs with:

  • Good health and immunity status
  • Good growth rates
  • Strength and vigor

Key Benefits

Energy: High in digestible fibre with balanced starch inclusion, for improved milk fat and milk production, and the avoidance of twin lamb disease.

Protein: 19% protein compound. Rumen degradable protein for forage digestion and to balance starch, sugar and digestible fibre. Undegradable protein for improved lamb birthweights and higher milk production.

Addarome: Helps to overcome the depression in intakes during the 6-8 weeks prior to lambing.

ExtraGuard: High levels of Vitamin E, Cellguard and organic selenium for excellent flock health and immunity.

Feeding Instructions

Introduce at 0.25 kg per day six to eight weeks before lambing and increase up to 1.5 kg two weeks before lambing depending on ewe condition, forage quality and number of lambs.

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