Milkivit Premium XL

Product Code: 21902


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Milkivit Premium XL is a versatile whey based milk replacer that supports strong, cost effective growth and development at this critical stage in life.

Features & Benefits

• Enables fast, cost-effective growth and development which supports enhanced concentrate feed intake at this critical stage in life.
• Helps give calves the best possible start.
• Excellent palatibility, solubility and digestibility.


  • Oil 17%
  • Protein 22%
  • Ash 7.5%
  • Fibre 0.02%

Calf Feeding Suggestions

The calf It is essential that all calves receive high antibody colostrum (typically 10-15% of body weight) within the first 4-6 hours of life. Use of a colostrometer is recommended. Feed colostrum for 3-4 days before introduction to milk replacer.

• Milk feeding of newly-arrived, purchased calves should commence after a 6 hour rest period and an appropriate electrolyte treatment programme.

Feed at least twice per day*. Mix at the rate of 125 g of powder to make 1 litre of mixed milk replacer; i.e. add 0.5 kg powder to 3.5 litres water (at 42oC) to make 4 litres. Feed 4 litres per calf per day at 39-40oC. Wean after 6 weeks once the calf is consuming at least 1 kg concentrates per day for 2 consecutive days.

Volumes and Mixing

• Feed at least twice per day*. Mix at the rate of 125 g of powder to make 1 litre of mixed milk replacer; i.e. add 0.5 kg powder to 3.5 litres water (at 42oC) to make 4 litres. Feed 4 litres per calf per day at 39-40oC. Wean after 6 weeks once the calf is consuming at least 1 kg concentrates per day for 2 consecutive days.

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